Acmeist Projects
These are some Acmeist programming projects. They all intend to serve as many cultures, communities and languages as possible.
- YAML - A Serialization Language for many Programming Languages
- C'Dent - A Language for Writing Portable Modules
- TestML - A Language for Writing Portable Unit Tests
- Pegex - PEG/Regexp Parser Framework for many Programming Languages
- Stardoc - A Framework for Portable Documentation
- Wikiwyg - A Rich-text, Multi-mode editor for all Wikis
- Jemplate - A Programming Template Framework for many Languages
- JSYnc - JSON + YAML == Simple Serialization
- Muldis D - An Object-Relational Language (SQL) for many DBMSs
This is list is currently small. If you have a project to add, please contact us.